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What should I include with my submission?
Brief Biography 250 words
Description of proposal

Who can Submit?
Anyone with an interest.
Graduate, undergraduate and high school students are encouraged to submit

Can professors participate or is this just for students?
Thank you for your inquiry. We are accepting submissions of all types from both professors, students, and other interested parties.

If I have a question?
Please submit all questions to
Answers to frequently asked questions will be posted on the FAQ page.

Where do I send my submission?
All biographies and proposals should be sent to:

When will I be notified?
All applicants will be notified upon receipt of proposals
Final decisions will be made by mid-October 2011

When is the Symposium?
April 27-28,2012

Where will it be held?
Symposium will be held in Lawrence,MA at the Kunhardt Mill

Do you have a program yet?
Tentative Program
April 27, 2012: Walking Tours of key Lawrence strike sites
April 27, 2012: Dinner, keynote talk, and spoken word tributes to the strike
April 28, 2012 Panels, roundtables, walking tours, and a lunch time conversation on the strike's meaning for today