
Textile Unions: Information, Legislation, and CIO Clippings/Union Materials

Folder Name Am. Woolen Co, Lawrence & TWUA 1945 (

Folder Name Bradford Workers (Am. Woolen Co.) TWUA 1941 (Louisville, KY) (90.50.1-30) - Bradford Workers Bulletin

Folder Name HR Subcommittee Hearings H.R. 238 Textile Ind. (80.21) - Booklet: HR 238: “A Bill to rehabilitate and stabilize labor conditions in the textile industry of the united states; to prevent unemployment and to provide minimum wages, maximum hours and other conditions of employment in said industry; to safeguard and promote the general welfare, and for other purposes.”

Folder Name Lowell Textile Institute Stationary (1942) - Pad of grid paper: “Donor + other Lawrence men attended this school for further textile training. Donor used this type of stationary”

Folder Name Manual for Shop Stewards TWUA (82.107.4)

Folder Name Pacific Mills A.F.L v. T.W.U.A - CIO - Anti AFL booklet

Folder Name Senate Report 1911: Reports of the Immigration Commission Vol. X “Imigrants in Industries” Part 4 Woolen and Worsted Goods Manufacturing in the North Atlantic States (96.101.02)

Folder Name Statement: RE Wage Increase War Labor Board 5/25/1942 (82.107) - Booklet

Folder Name Textile Worker Ad, AFL v. CIO (96.252.115 A/B) - CIO Newspaper/Ad against AFL

Folder Name TWUA & American Woolen Co. Documents

Folder Name TWUA - CIO Clippings 1939-40 (90.50.60)

Folder Name TWUA Correspondence (90.50.56)

Folder Name TWUA: Executive Board Documents, Local #227 (1942) (82.107.5)

Folder Name TWUA - Working Papers: Various Mills (

Folder Name Union Strategy in Negotiations, Solomon Barkin, The Bureau of National Affairs (90.50.50) - Collective Bargaining Pamphlet

Folder Name Wage Rates & Earnings 1932-1934 (85.119.15)

Folder Name Wagner Act Correspondence and Clippings (82.107.7) - Telegraphs and letters

Folder Name “Wool Textiles” US Naval Supply Corps Reserve (86.104.92) - Instructional booklet on Wool Textiles

2nd Floor Stacks - Shelving