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Memory from Alfred E Kayworth


I am an 88-year-old former Turn Hall gymnast whose life path was drastically altered by my association with the Turn Hall beginning in 1929. Gymnastic skills acquired at the Turn Hall Gym led to a scholarship to the Turner Gymnastic Normal College in Indianapolis, Indiana which in turn led to a four year college degree in physical education at Indiana University where I earned my letter as a spring board diver.
My youthful experiences growing up in Lawrence during the depression years are described in my book.....Ïceman to the Internet: which covers the 80-plus years that include horse-drawn-ice wagon deliveries to our house on Saxonia Avenue and including my experiences in WW-11, my 16 years travel in South America and the Caribbean and my late life career as author of three books listed on
I spend my summers at Big Island Pond in Derry, NH at a cabin on Escumbuit Island. Sometime in late May I will visit your historical association.
Were it not for my fortuitous association with the Turn Hall, I would be long gone from this world. When I graduated from Methuen High School back in 1938 my uncle got me a job loading wool into wool carding machines in a room clouded by flying wool dust. Had I stayed there I would be long gone from emphysema like my card-room-boss uncle!!!

Wlipamkanna (May your journey go well)

Alfred E Kayworth
Abenaki Warrior
Legends of the Pond
The Scalp Hunters
Iceman to the Internet